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YAY!!! Cool fanarts/fanfictions and stuff HERE!

This would be where I put the cool shiz like fanfictions and stuff. So tell me some stuff and I'll put it here for everybody to see, okay? My email in on the CONTACT ME page, so contact me! I love fanart and fanfictions, so gimme your favorites and i'll put you on the people who rock my world list if they're new to me. I'll put some of my favorites here:

Flowers for Gaara
A really great Ino/Gaara fic. I don't support this couple, but you can't help but love the story. The writer is still writing this one.


One hell of a funny fic with the Kiba/Hinata pairing. It's TOTALLY FUNNY!!!

Link and Luigi
An amazing fanfiction collection done by the coolest people on earth. Read them ALL!


Itcha Itcha Naruto
THIS IS SUCH A FUNNY STORY! It's very perverted, but OMFG I was laughing off of my chair. I think it's discontinued, but enjoy it. It's a Naruto fic.


New Dog, Old Tricks
^^ Shino is pretty out of character in this one, but it's hella funny. It's a little skit between Team 8.


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